All systems operational
This is Managry's status page, here you'll find the current status and incident history of Managry.
Corporate website Operational
Provides information about Managry products, services, and other aspects of its business.
60 days ago % Uptime Today
Secure website Operational
60 days ago % Uptime Today
Secure website (with www) Operational
Unsecured website Operational
Unsecured website (with www) Operational
Web client applications Operational
Easily accessible from any device with an internet connection and a web browser
60 days ago % Uptime Today
Signpost website Operational
60 days ago % Uptime Today
Current Timesheets Operational
60 days ago % Uptime Today
Backend services Operational
Systems that are responsible for processing data and performing operations that are not visible to the user
60 days ago % Uptime Today
User management service Operational
Component responsible for managing user accounts, roles, permissions, and access controls.
60 days ago % Uptime Today
Google OAuth Operational
Allows users to grant access to their Google account data without sharing their username and password
60 days ago % Uptime Today
% Uptime
60 days ago Today
Incident & maintenance history
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